Our Octobers are packed with fun-filled goodness, and this year has been no exception! Since it has literally been a whole month since I posted, you are getting an "October in Review" post.
To top our October off, we went to the annual Trunk-or-Treat at the church. Benjamin insisted on being a dinosaur and Lydia wanted to be a witch--she had a witch's broom we made, but it got broken from sweeping before she could ride it to the party. Declan was going to be a fish, but I ran out of time to finish his costume. Hopefully I can finish it this week and I will post pictures of him in it when it's done. The good thing is, I was able to finish two adorable costumes in time for the Halloween-a (Ben's word) party.

After waiting, and waiting some more, Declan Keed Laws was born October 10, making in all, 3 October birthdays. He was a healthy happy 9 pounds 0 ounces, and was 22 inches long. Surprisingly, he has white-blonde hair. This is a feature that floored both Brian and I, especially since we both have dark hair, and we have yet to produce a child with dark hair. Lydia had black hair when she was born, and Benjamin had light brown, so you can see why we are slightly confused. He is such a great baby, only wakes up once a night to eat, and smiles and coos all the time. He has been with us for three weeks as of yesterday, and every moment has been so amazing! He is also a good-sized baby. He had his two-week appointment at the pediatrician's on Friday, and he weighed 11 pounds 8 ounces and was 23 inches long (100th percentile for both). Needless to say, the nurse was astounded at his size, as was our pediatrician.

We celebrated Benjamin's third birthday on the 19th. It was a great day. He requested doughnuts and "Munchkin Juice" (a.k.a. chocolate milk) for breakfast, and for his birthday dinner he was adament that he was going to have hamburgers. I cannot believe he has graced our family for three years already! He has such a sweet disposition, and is incredibly cuddly. He also smiles all the time, which helps to keep our home a wonderful place to be. His presents were dinosaur themed, as you will see by the following pictures. Since everything was dinosaurs, I decided to do something different with his cake...kind of gruesome looking, don't you think? I definitely would not want to meet this creature on the street.

Lydia's birthday was the 29th. Can I just say that she is such a joy to have around? She knows exactly what she wants, and will not stop until she gets it. She tackles things--playing, chores, etc.--with a fierceness that is completely unrivaled, not to mention she is gorgeous! She also cannot wait to go to school; she reminds me every day that we need to get her purple and pink pencils and a lunch box. What an adorable girl! We celebrated her day on the 24th since Grandma and Papa were going to be in Las Cruces for the Halloween weekend. Her party was all things princess, including a princess barbie she has been asking to have for months, and she even decorated her cake by herself! 

I have been anxiously awaiting pictures of the new little one. He is adorable and looks like his brother. The reason I have not been keeping my blog up dated....I have been sick for 3 mo. Yep you guessed it, baby #4 is on it's way! We are so excited, and relieved that the sick part is over and done with. Glad to see you are doing great!!