What did you do during your summer vacation?
Summer days and musings
Benjamin is in love with all things that move. So he chose a little car ride. He was so excited because he got to pick his car first, but got so impatient by the end that he hopped out of the car just before the ride was ready to start. Brian put him back in, and they got rolling.
Lydia was really good at golfing.
Brian took this adorable picture of Benjamin and Lydia just after they got back from golfing.
We went on a hike the next day, and I cannot tell you the name of the waterfalls, because I do not remember. They were beautiful, though.
I love this picture of Brian and Benjamin! They were washing their feet off in the frigid water.
On the way home, we stopped at another hike to see another waterfall. What is it about nature that is so awe-inspiring? I absolutely love gorgeous things, and this waterfall was no exception. No vacation would be complete without the sighting of a bear. Well, okay, this was actually my first sighting of a bear, but it was amazing. We were driving down Wolf Creek Pass and saw a bunch of cars pulled off the road. Before I knew what was happening, Brian swerved off too, and informed me that everyone was gawking at a bear. Well, of course we have to have proof of what we actually saw, so here you go!
Microwave Duty
I am what you would call a sporadic microwave cleaner. I won't tell you the last time I cleaned it, probably because I do not remember when that glorious day was. "But Tia," you say, "if you wiped down your microwave every evening, it would remain spotless and you wouldn't have to go at it with elbow grease once in a blue moon." Well, I don't go at it with elbow grease, just wipe it down every once in a while when it seems to be particularly in need. I should have taken a picture, but did not, and there do not seem to be links to dirty microwaves on the internet. I am sure you can imagine a dirty microwave, though. Perhaps all you need to do is open your own microwave to imagine.
You are probably wondering why I said all I have to do is "wipe it down" when I clean it. Don't worry, I used to scrub at the caked on goodness, and it would take a half hour to get it clean, but that was before I worked as a waitress previous to my marriage. For those of you who have worked at a greasy spoon, you know that the microwave is one of the worst places in the kitchen, and it is a waitress' job to clean the microwave. A seasoned waitress gave me this tip, and I am passing it on to you.
**Disclaimer: You all probably have some secret recipe for cleaning the microwave, for those of you who do not, or want to branch out, give it a try.
1. Get a cup.
2. Fill half full of water.
3. Put in microwave and microwave on high for 5 minutes while you unload the dishwasher, etc.
4. Once finished, leave it in for 10 minutes while you do something else.
5. Simply wipe, because the steam loosened everything.
I would suggest wiping the top off first, then work your way down. It goes faster this way. All in all, it takes about 3 minutes of effort to get it sparkling, about 18 minutes total! If you have a particularly caked on microwave, you may want to let the water sit for longer than 10 minutes to let the steam work its magic.