Baby Bumblebee, Dinosaur Rocketship, and Happy Birthday Cat-Cat's
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary...
Brian's grandparents came to visit for Easter. Grandpa told me he wanted to help me get my garden ready, and even brought me some seed potatoes! I might be the only person in New Mexico to attempt to grow potatoes here. Lydia and Benjamin were great helps, and even made hearts in the dirt with their feet prints. You see the quality of dirt I have to work with.
Grandpa and I hauled a few loads of top soil to mix in with the garden plot. Benjamin loved helping rake it into place. As you notice, between the first and this picture (a span of about 2 hours), we went from cold and rainy/snowing to sunny and warm. Welcome to New Mexico!
Even Mr. Tiddlywinks wanted in on the action.
A friend of ours tilled the garden for us, and I got a painful sunburn this past Saturday getting the garden planted. I still have some squash to plant, as well as some tomatoes, strawberries and herbs but all -in-all, I am watering and praying that my efforts will bare fruit (yes, pun intended).
(This is how it looked as of this morning. We need to finish our fence and get the planter boxes finished, but I am so excited for my garden!)
Mother's Day Musings
If you want to know how to make these adorable, yet ever-so-easy flowers, go to get your craft on at the adorable Jones Design Company. My husband was so cute to watch as he was attempting to roll the flowers himself. We make a good team, I might say!
Here's hoping you all enjoyed your Mother's Day...I know I did! There is nothing like ice cream and Wacky Cake for dinner, ahem, and breakfast too!
P.S. I know I need to update...keep watching because I am going to be posting a lot over the next couple of days to catch up.