Guess who is malcontent with simply crawling along as a means of locomotion? You guessed it; Mr. Tiddlywinks has started pulling himself into standing position, and he has even taken a few steps. Sheesh, I don't know if I am ready for this; he is only 5 months old! 
Clyde the Quick Easter Chick
I have been itching to create a craft that would take at most an hour to complete, while keeping my house mainly clutter-free for the duration of the project. Well, I found one, and it was so easy that I am going to pass it on to you.
You will need only a basic knowledge of sewing--really just how to sew a straight line. You will also need to brush up on how to sew a french knot, which looks hard, but in all actuality is incredibly easy. There are some great video tutorials out there on how to sew a french knot, so I will not be taking time to explain it. Just google it if you do not know how.
Now, I know you are dying to know what the craft is, so without further ado, may I introduce you to Clyde, the bean bag chick!
Now, Clyde is a quirky Easter chick, and as I said before, incredibly easy to make, so here goes with instructions...
First, make the patterns for Clyde's body and wings. I just found two different sized circles in my kitchen and traced them one on top of another onto a piece of heavy paper.
Separate two of Clyde's wings and place the first, wrong side facing you, on the back side of the front piece of Clyde. Put the other piece of wing lining up with the back wing on top; you are basically making a sandwich of wing, Clyde, wing, and then pin in place. (Look at the "Like so" picture to get the idea.) Do this with the other wing too. You will then want to sew around the wings to attach them.
Next, line up the front piece and back piece of Clyde, wrong sides facing each other, and sew around, leaving a hole in the bottom to put your fill in. I used rice to make him a beanbag, but you could use batting to make him a plush toy, or beans, lentils, basically whatever you have on hand. Once you fill him to your desired fatness, sew the bottom, and enjoy!
Mommy Bragging
So, yes, it has been a while since I last posted. It seems as though my days rush by before I even have a moment to think about what happened. We have been having a lot of fun going to parks and running errands for the past while. Declan is now a crawling baby, as of two weeks ago. Yes, he crawled at 4 1/2 months. He didn't beat Lydia's record, though. (Yes, she was a 3 month old crawler.) I could swear my babies are born running.
Isn't he such a cute little Mr. Tiddlywinks with navy blue eyes?
Benjamin loves creating things as of late. Most have to do with dinosaurs, trains and ships.
These are three "dinosaurs" he created one night just before bed time. The one on the left with all the baby toys is a Stegosaurus with a sock head. There is a Tyrannosaurus Rex in there with a red body and "lots of sharp teeth", and the dinosaur on the bottom with the sippy lids is a Pteranadon, a.k.a. bird dinosaur. Most of the time, he uses toys, but sometimes I find all my silverware missing. He built a very ingenious ship with Lydia out of his train tracks, complete with a sail and ship's wheel, and I accidentally deleted the picture!
We also have been traveling a lot the past month, due to Brian's church calling. He is a stake auditor, and we have visited three very small branches; they were so small that our little family of five literally doubled each branch we went to. It made me realize how blessed I am to belong to a church that is the same, no matter the size of the congregation. Here are a couple cute pictures of the kids en route to one of our destinations. 
I feel so incredibly blessed to have three wonderful children to love and snuggle on a daily basis. There is nothing like the purity of children!
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