Some people go all out for gardening...take for example, some vegetable gardens in Amafi, Italy, growing on the side of a hill! Now that is what I would call industrious!
So we have this absolutely HUGE back yard that is completely unlandscaped--I guess I should say the front yard is completely unlandscaped also, but that is not what I am focusing my thoughts and energy on. Back to the back yard; we decided that since we have such a large area with which to work, we are going to plant our first garden! Gardening brought flash backs of hours of back-breaking work, but I am so ready to stop paying the price they ask for produce is ridiculous! The thought of a garden also brought flashbacks of a book that I used to pore over when I was a little girl that was in the top right corner of the family book case (i.e. untouchables). It was called "Dick Raymond's Gardening Year" and I told Brian about it. He being the sweet man he is, he went and ordered it, and when I got home from my voice class last night, it had come!
(Here is where a picture of the book would be if I could find my camera...umm, yeah, I need to figure out where it went.)
(Here is where a picture of my huge back yard would be, but ditto...)
I sat on the floor and reread it, and it was as wonderful as I remember it being. Do you know that you can grow melons anywhere if you try his tried and true trick for growing melons (he lives in Vermont...small growing season, not enough heat, etc.). He has pictures in the book of all the cantaloupes he grew...they look AMAZING!
Now, I understand that this book was written/published in the 80's, but this man is a genius! More on my garden to come later, with some pictures. I need to go order some seed catalogues!
(By the way, what would you plant?)

(Here is where a picture of the book would be if I could find my camera...umm, yeah, I need to figure out where it went.)
(Here is where a picture of my huge back yard would be, but ditto...)
I sat on the floor and reread it, and it was as wonderful as I remember it being. Do you know that you can grow melons anywhere if you try his tried and true trick for growing melons (he lives in Vermont...small growing season, not enough heat, etc.). He has pictures in the book of all the cantaloupes he grew...they look AMAZING!
Now, I understand that this book was written/published in the 80's, but this man is a genius! More on my garden to come later, with some pictures. I need to go order some seed catalogues!
(By the way, what would you plant?)